- Your Steps Towards Ecological Connectivity The GreenAlps Project
- Implementing a collision survey protocol over the national road network Review and prospects after two years of monitoring
- Citizen’s perceptions of ecosystem services in managed space on road interchanges in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire
- LIFE+ OZON defragmentation of the Sonian Forest
- Primary monitoring to small bridges and culverts used by wildlife along QinghaiTibet railway
- Evaluation of effects of the pairing between road and rail infrastructures on the functionning and the perception of the crossed territories
- How to attenuate the barrier effect of linear infrastructures A method for prioritizing existing crossings to improve wildlife regional connectivity
- Landscape analysis in the East Link projekt an important tool for sustainable ecology
- Use of the nonspecialised structures as a wildlife passages Lyulin Motorway Bulgaria
- Safeguarding wild animals and vehicles on the main roads of Lithuania: an assessment of the effectiveness of measures
- Development of landscape fragmentation in the Czech Republic
- Waynote a mobile app to raise public’s awareness on living landscapes along the motorways
- Do roads select their prey A comparison of bird roadkill data with local availability
- An International Comparison of AVC Clustering Patterns on Roads
- The promise and reality of using genetic techniques to quantify the impacts of linear infrastructure and evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation
- Over or under the road – Effectiveness of some bat road crossing mitigation measures
- Study of behavior of sika deer nearby railroad tracks and effect of alarm call
- Green Infrastructure Networks in Austria
- Assessing the importance of intersections between linear transportation infrastructures and fluvial corridors on plant diversity: first results on road bridges
- Detecting existing crossing structures with optimization potential for wildlife by calculating a StructurePermeabilityIndex
- Evidence of usage of Estonia`s first ecoduct by mammals
- Current state of road ecology in Japan
- Effects of habitats fragmentation in a humandominated landscape France and mitigation measures to limit lynx Lynx lynx vehicle collisions
- How do we Positively Change Public Perception of the Importance of Infra Eco Solutions
- Compensatory measures for Smooth Snakes during road construction in Sweden
- Latest technologies to assess utilization of fauna underpasses by wildlife
- Road bund landscapes as habitat: a main asset for rodents in an intensive farming landscape
- Integrating biodiversity into an intermodal transport hub project thanks to Ecodesign
- Assess Ecosytem Services provided by Green Spaces along Linear Transport infrastructure: Exploratory approach
- Viability of linking bridges in the area of environmental corridors in Germany
- Implementing local actions for biodiversity and extend them at European level : a feedback from LIFE EliaRTE project
- Working for biodiversity on linear infrastructures : need of appropriate and efficient tools such as mapping system and stakeholder involvement
- Development of microsatellite marker for identifying Japanese squirrelsNoninvasive genetic sampling on the road
- A test of wildlife warning reflectors as a way to reduce risk of wildlifetrain collisions
- The use of crowd sourcing to conduct research and create support for wildlife crossings
- Assessing the potential of linear infrastructure verges for conservation and dispersal of wild pollinators in landscapes The PolLinéaire approach
- Using Citizen Science in French National Road Departments to collect data on wildlife roadkills
- Roadkill Data Collection using Citizen Science in Austria
- Can linear infrastructure elements contribute to conservation of grassland biodiversity
- Impacts on Wildlife Genetic Diversity in RoadEffect Zones
- The Dawei Road project: An international cooperation of IENE on sustainable planning of large linear infrastructure transboundary project in a Biodiversity Hotspot of Southeast Asia
- Ecologically stealth construction works » for the reinstatement of the corridor’s functionality through an existing highway
- A integrated mapping tool for harmonizing ecological assessment and transport infrastructure planning
- Ecological landscaping Development of Watercourse Crosssing Highway A89 France
- Landscapechange frequency and landuse dynamics around Highspeed railway HSR projects at large scale: diffuse impacts on biodiversity and their mitigation
- Functional connectivity of biodiversity across an accumulation of largescale transportation infrastructures in the SouthWest of France
- New tools for Motorway assessment
- Abandoned tunnels as habitats for bats and measures to improve habitat quality
- Scaling the importance of Roadless Areas to improve the functional connectivity of Natura 2000 network
- Wildlife road kills in southeastern Brazil: A spatiotemporal analysis towards mitigation
- Multimodal platforms of transport and services The logistic landscapes in Region NordPas de Calais/France –
- Implementing measures to avoid wildlifevehicle collisions and other environmental impacts in an old road inside a State Park in Brazil
- Practical aspects of the ecological management along highway and national roads motorway verges in Flanders Belgium
- Do animals use wildlife crossings in the Netherlands An analysis of 450 crossing structures
- Building ecological corridors in the South Korean Baekdudaegan mountain range
- Road 73 in Sweden: Followup studies of compensation measures
- Analysis of linear road barriers and their permeability for wildlife species in the Czech landscape
- Impacts of pairing transport infrastructures on biodiversity plants butterfly and reptiles inside interstitial zones between infrastructures
- Impacts of pairing transport infrastructures on composition and structures of landscapes and on functional connectivity of ecological networks
- The importance of roadside vegetation on plant diversity in Northern Germany
- Exclusion habitats – a way to avoid unnecessary conflict when building new transport infrastructure
- Research and Popularization for Dormouse Bridge and Animal Pathways as corridor for protecting Arboreal Animals
- On toads and roads: The case of Spångavägen and Kyrksjölöten – tunnel mitigation is effective for spring migration but toads are still killed in large numbers
- Wildlife crossing structures monitoring in the Catalonia’s road network
- Landscape and road variables describing clusters of ungulate vehicle collisions on southern Swedish roads
- Influence of historical and present landscape patterns on plant communities of roadfield boundaries
- Traffic as a mortality factor in the European otter
- Main landscape and road related variables describing ungulate vehicle collisions hazardous locations in Catalonia
- Landscape architecture process to think the energy transition at school : a spreading concern
- Species richness of some arthropod groups in highway rest areas in Hungary
- Sustainable development of road lighting its impact on the environment and effects of switching to LED light emitting diodes
- GeneDbase – database for evaluation of road barrier effect road on wildlife genetic variability
- Ecological connectivity and ecosystem plasticity in a transformed corridor habitat – case study of A4 motorway in Southern Poland
- Is an operational index an efficient way to assess naturalness along land transport infrastructures
- Enhancing wildlife connectivity along California's highways: the cas of the state route SR 241 wildlife fence in Orange County California USA
- Wildlife’s reaction towards oncoming vehicles
- Bats and linear land transport infrastructures [Guidelines]
- Environmental commitments of the Société du Grand Paris for the Grand Paris Express project
- Ecological management of invasive plants: innovative practises and lanscape management
- Bats and road collisions: building a risk prediction model incorporating landscape variables