Reconnecting ecological networks through existing infrastructures: motorway A7 and High voltage line in the Drôme

The Vinci Autoroutes-réseau ASF network is carrying out redevelopment programmes on its existing motorway network to promote biodiversity, study needs, make improvements and monitor them.

These programmes are part of the implementing guidelines of the national policy "Trame Verte et Bleue" and may give concrete form to certain actions of the Regional Ecological Coherence Schemes (SRCE).

Managing Vegetation under High and Very High Voltage Power Lines

The RTE, is the managing body of high and very high voltage power transmission lines

and responsible for achieving the balance between the production and consumption of electricity. It delivers electricity to any point in the territory from its production sites to industrial sites that are directly connected to the network and to distribution networks serving end consumers. To ensure the safe supply of electricity to all, the challenge in wooded areas is to ensure that the vegetation is not too close to electrical cables.

The LIFE Elia-RTE Project

Initiated in 2011, the European project LIFE Elia-RTE ( is partly funded by Europe (the LIFE programme) and brings together Elia, the managing body of the Belgian electricity transmission network and RTE, with the same aim: trying out innovative methods of vegetation management under power lines in order to preserve biodiversity.

The project benefits from the expertise and know-how of two Belgian environmental protection associations: CARAH and SOLON.


Site n°1: Motorway A7, wildlife overpass at the Grand Boeuf site

  • Stakes and ecological engineering above a motorway in service
  • Monitoring tools and results

Site n°2: Creating green and blue corridors under electrical overhead lines in the national natural reserve of Ramières (LIFE 10 NAT/BE/709)

  • Stop the isolation of great crested newt local populations: restored educational pond and created new ecological link up to the Drôme valley
  • Excavation of pools for great crested newt
  • Management of a damp meadow using equine grazing

Site n°3: Creation of the Roublion fish passage upstream of the Motorway A7

  • Ensuring the continuity of rivers to restore the free movements of fish fauna
  • Mnitoring systems and results (fish fauna and European beaver)